As I look back on 2015, I try to remember what goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year and I know they all focused on numbers: run a 8 minute mile, lose 10 pounds, etc... Although I was able to make a few of those goals, I discovered that having such concrete goals (especially in regards to running times) was more frustrating than helpful. That frustration got in my head, which had a negative impact on some of my goals. So for 2016, I've decided to do something a little different. So here they are, in no particular order:
Meet More People
I was fortunate to meet some awesome people in 2015 through social media and I'm looking forward to meeting even more in 2016. I even have a few "running selfies" that I'm hoping to get with people this year (for now, the people will remain nameless, but I will definitely be all about it when it happens!)
Run Happy
In 2015, for most of my races, I was worried about the time. "Get the PR," "run it under this time," etc. So instead of having fun and enjoying the races as much as I could have, I paid more attention to my watch. During the later half of the year, I abandoned some of my goals and just had fun with my races. And you know what happened- I PRd my last half. So instead of worrying about my time, I going to worry about having fun. My next half marathon has a beautiful course along the ocean and I plan on enjoying every 13.1 mile of it!
Run a Marathon
Before the end of 2016, I will run a marathon. I am currently signed up to run the LA Marathon in February-- due to some recent changes in my life, that may not be possible. So if it doesn't happen in February, I will make it happen before the year is over.
Run a Trail Race
I love to run. I love to hike. I want to experience the best of both worlds! I have friends who love trail running and it does look like a blast! I will admit to being a little nervous about it-- I worry that I might trip on a rock or miss a step and end up on my face. I realize that's a risk with any run, but the risks seem heightened on the trails. In 2016, I'm not going to let those nerves stop me. I'm fortunate enough to live in an area that has beautiful trails and I can't wait to experience them.
Those are my goals for now. I'm sure I'll come up with more as the year progresses. We're only 4 days in, so I have a little time :)
What are your goals for 2016?
Until next time, happy running!!
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