I learned that I need to eat better—not only am I feeling it on the scale, but also on my runs. I’ve been indulging since my Disney weekend and I need to get back to eating better. I also learned that I need to add cross training and hill training more consistently on my schedule—as much as I run, I still feel out of shape. It’s frustrating to know that you are capable of more, but can’t quite get there. But the miles are done for week five and I know that with a few adjustments on my training outlook, the upcoming weeks of training are going to be awesome.
Sunday called for a short run—I woke up later than I had wanted, but I was able to get my run in. Sometimes the runs aren’t good or bad—they just are. This was one of those runs, but the miles were done and that was ultimately what mattered.
It doesn’t rain often in Southern California so I was excited to wake up to rain. And even more excited to run it in. I headed out for a short run and of course it stop raining when I got to my running spot. I chased the rain clouds for three miles and enjoyed the cooler weather.
I decided to switch up some of mileage this week based on what my schedule had room for and made Tuesday a short run day. It was a beautiful day for a run and the miles felt good. After a few days of being sick, I was definitely glad to be feeling better.
I decided to hit up the trails for my run and it seemed like all of San Diego wanted to join me. My favorite local mountain was so crowded! I hiked up the main path for a bit before venturing off to the side trails. Anytime I can run with the dirt beneath my feet, it’s a good run. I also met someone visiting from Arizona at the top of the mountain-- he was doing all five peaks during his visit. Sometimes the best conversations are with strangers.
I was signed up for a Turkey Trot on Thursday, but my training plan called for a 5K plus two miles. I headed out to Coronado to run my two miles before the race—if you’ve never run in Coronado, it’s beautiful! And to watch the sunrise during my run was breathtaking. I also had a good run with the Turkey Trot.
Last year, REI started the idea of #OptOutside so inside of shopping, I knew that I wanted to spend some time outside. I had a short run schedule, so when my friend invited me to San Elijo Lagoon for a short adventure, I was ready. I had never been there and I love exploring new running places. The trails were really pretty but I hadn’t anticipated soft sand (like what you would find on the beach.). The soft sand definitely made the run more challenging, but the views made it worth it.
Saturday’s schedule called for a long run—12 miles. I decided to join some local runners who were doing a 14 miles run—it was a couple miles than I had scheduled, but I knew I’d be taking some walk breaks so I thought it would all balance out. The route my friend had selected was challenging for me—it had a lot of hills and though the weren’t steep, I wasn’t ready for the steady incline. As much as I struggled, I was also glad because it was a good reminder that I need to add some hill work to my training plan. I need to make sure to diversify my mileage.
Total Weekly Miles: 35.26
Until next time, happy running!